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Old Fire Station Stories

OFS developed the Storytelling Evaluation Method in 2017 to evaluate its own impact as an organisation. At that time, we collected stories from people involved in our work in a range of different ways, and then came together to discuss these stories and think about how they might inform our work in future. This process was so useful to us that we rewrote our mission statement, focusing on the importance of good quality relationships in every aspect of our work. 


Following this internal evaluation project, we shared our experiences of Storytelling with partners in Oxfordshire and beyond. Since this initial experiment in measuring impact with stories, we have supported over ninety organisations locally and nationally to implement the method. This includes cultural sector organisations, local authorities, and voluntary action groups, covering subjects such as housing and homelessness, mental wellbeing, the arts, and more. We’ve also used the approach to evaluate the impact of our own creative projects. 


In 2023, we repeated our internal Storytelling evaluation process, collecting stories from staff, volunteers, Crisis members, participants in creative projects, artists, and trustees. Our aim is to gather OFS staff members, partners, and friends together to discuss these stories, and think about what we might learn from them as we continue to develop our organisation in 2024. 

Click here to read the report


Read the stories

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